Wining every hand at blackjack is practically impossible, regarding of the system you use. You will have to bet more money on your winning hands then you do on your loosing hands if you want to beat the casino at blackjack. If you want to obtain some profits from this game, you will have to learn how to control your bets.
Beat the casino with the help of these simple betting methods
You have to start betting with one chip and gradually increase the number throughout the game whenever you are playing online or at the casino. To put it simply, you will need to use only $10 chips for the entire game if you start betting with such a chip.
Gradually increase your bet with one chip whenever you lose. Decrease your bet with one chip whenever you win a hand. You will have to start over by betting 1 chip in case you win 2 hands in a row. Apply this technique when you get to an 8 chip level without winning, or when you win a 6 or 7 chip bet. In order to beat the casino, you do not have to win more hand, but rather to win the higher bets.
Beat the casino with the help of this simple betting method
Getting close to 21 is the only objective that you need to consider when playing Blackjack. You will win the exact sum of money that you have bet in case your hand is closer to 21 then the dealer`s hand. When you hit 21, you will get 3:2 times your bet, in case the dealer doesn`t hit 21 as well. You can replace an Ace with 1 or 11. All face cards are associated with the value of 10, while the rest of the cards in a deck have the value of the number featured on their face. Remember that you can change the value of an Ace to 1 or 11.
You will lose your hand if the total of your hand exceeds 21. You will get your bet back in case you have the same card value of the dealer. However, this applies from 17 and up, and it is also called a “push”.
Old timers don’t mind it whether they lose a hand because you can find crazed folks that are willing to even amputate their hands for the sake of getting 21 because it signifies that they are going to receive a bonus, which means extra bucks and that is the gauntlet for other challengers where they have to break this record and let the Betting Gods put their life savings into it.
Blackjack Lingo
You can always hit to draw additional cards in case you are not satisfied with the first two cards that you receive from the dealer. You can do so until you stand or bust.
You can choose to stand in case you are satisfied with the cards that you have received.
You will have to double your hand in case you double down. In this option, you will get only one card and your hand will stand.
You have to option of splitting a hand into two different hands in case you get two cards of the same value. For this, you need to make a second bet of an equal value. By splitting two aces in an online casino, you will get once card on each of them and you will have to stand. You will only get a 21 in case you split aces and receive a blackjack.