i/Low simply means that half of the total pot goes to the winner but now the other half goes to the player with the Low. However it’s not just that easy. The “low” can only be specific cards and has no poker hand rules except that it must be five cards total. The low is ONLY NUMBERS (1-8). This means the Ace is counted as a (1) and is the best low card, and the (8) is the worst low.
So the best low hand possible also happens to be a straight which is A, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now the Ace becomes even more powerful than before since it’s high AND low. How do you know which low is better than which? Well it’s counted from the 8 downwards. Whoever has the highest low card has the WORST low hand. I know you need examples at this point so here they are. The hand marked in is lower and is the best low hand of the two.
Lets first look at ( ) vs. ( ). Here the 2-5-6-3-4 which is also a straight is lower than the other hand even though the other hand has an ACE because the in the 2nd hand is a 6 but in the first hand it’s an 8. So in poker terms it would be an 8-6 low against a 6-5 low, so 6-5 is the winner. The winning strategy of the gamblers should be strong to get the desired benefits at Judi Bola online site. The beginning stakes are low for knowing about the card games and improve the skills. The involvement of the time and effort should be the right one to get the advantages.
Here are some more examples with the yellow hands being the best lows.
hat if there is more than one low and it’s the same?
If there are 3 people in a hand and one has the high like (AA774) and the other two have the SAME low of (A2347) then the high still get half of the pot but the low players split the other half and receive only 1/4th of the pot and therefore actually lose money if there were only three people in to begin with .
Now there could even be three or FOUR people with the low in the same hand or even two or three of the same HIGH hand or even a MIXTURE! So as you see this is much more difficult than straight forward poker so you must be very careful and know exactly what you are doing.
Since the most widely played Hi/Low game is Omaha Hi/Low I will focus mainly on that. In fact Omaha Hi/Low is much more played than Omaha Hi. In Omaha Hi/Low you still must use two cards of the four to make your hi hand but you can also use the two others, the same two, or a mixture to make your low hand. After Omaha Hi/Low the most common Hi/Low game is 7 Card Stud Hi/Low and after that is Pineapple Hi/Low. The others are very rarely played in a Hi/Low form but I will still provide examples of each type.
B elow are examples of some winning low’s and high’s and how much of the pot they would each receive.
A lmost all the pots in stud hi/low have just ONE low and or One high hand.
I n 7 card stud you start with three cards and the 3rd one is face up. So the first player was going for the high since he started with two queens and an Ace while the second player started with 3 low cards, a two-six-seven.
The fourth card, also called ‘4th street’ in Stud, didn’t really effect the high player however the Ace of Spades greatly helped the low player. Now he only need one more low cards out of the next three cards, plus he could get another Ace to ALSO take the high.
After the 5th and 6th cards the left player still had a higher pair, however the right seat player was in MUCH better shape. Since he already had his low made (Ace, 2, 6, 7, 4) AND had a pair of sevens, he was already about to win half the pot for sure but if he made two pair on the 7th card or get a 3rd seven he would have received 100% of the pot. Low cards are much more important in Stud Hi/Low than high cards.
When the other player improved on the last card and made two pair (Ace, Q, Q, J, J) it didn’t matter, he still received only half the pot. So as you can see …half or ALL is a much better position than half or NOTHING.
V ery rarely will you see two of the same exact low’s in stud hi/low.
However, this is what it would look like.
I n this hand all 3 players came in with good Stud Hi/Low hands. (3, 4, 2), (6, 5, 3) and (Ace, 5, 6).
On 4th street the 1st player got a pair, the 2nd player had 4 diamonds and the 3rd player did not improve with that king but since no one bet at all in that round so the 3rd player never folded or thought about folding. However the 5th card gave the 1st player a 2-3-4-5 which is great for taking the low and the high with a possible straight. The center player did not improve but the 3rd player now had an Ace-3-5-6.
The sixth card for each player was HUGE and the bet piled up. A straight and a perfect low was made by the left player (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5). The center player got the best card in the deck for his hand, the Ace of diamond gave him 4 lows and 4 diamonds. A low of Ace-2-3-5-6 was made by the right player who didn’t know was beat. On the last and 7th card the right ASLO made a perfect low and straight of Ace through five, but it was a nightmare since the center player made an Ace high flush and took half the pot while the other 2 players split the rest and got quartered. Once you play Hi/Low Stud you will see how rare this is.