If I worked from Microsoft’s games department, I would confidently say that the Xbox 360 succeeded. The content leaped and bounded everything the Xbox originally brought to the table. Going into the next console generation, the next Xbox must improve the formula used for the Xbox 360. We’ve seen an increase in Xbox Live support, the controller, and entertainment options. There must be more of that without going overboard.

These are 4 improvements the next Xbox should have in order to make it a console that exceeds the success of the Xbox 360. It doesn’t have to have all of these of these out of the gate, but at some point during the consoles life cycle, it should.

  1. Make It Upgradeable

Microsoft supports the PC by releasing games for it as well as making its OS somewhat friendly towards it. Their console, on the other hand, is specifically for people who want to buy a gaming platform, and play it without having to worry about upgrading it. They should progress that idea.

Gaming PCs are expensive, so it would be beneficial for Microsoft to release its next Xbox traditionally as a console, which means a cheaper price with cheaper hardware, but with the ability to upgrade it. Both types of consumers would be satisfied. The ones who don’t want to buy an expensive PC or upgrade their console can play games with the latest console technology. Those who don’t want to buy an expensive PC but still want something they can upgrade, can with the upgradeable console.

All the options are left in the players hands. Those who want to buy a PC and upgrade their PC will do that but those who want a vanilla console can get that but with the option to upgrade it, similar to a PC. Developers can develop PC games that function with the Xbox also which makes developing for the next Xbox easier. Should you have any questions or concerns about upgrade, you can visit site. There are now helpful information that you can find online. As a result, you can now have ease of access to the details that you need.

  1. Lose the Xbox Arcade and Indie sections and Add Steam Support

This would go against Microsoft’s moneymaking goals I’m sure, but it would be better for them. The Indie section for Xbox Live doesn’t get enough exposure, so why keep it. What about Xbox Live Arcade? Lose that too. There is a market for it, but they could probably earn more money through royalties from adding Steam while Steam would earn greater exposure–and more money. If they decided to keep Xbox Live Arcade, Microsoft should put games that people have exclusively made for it.

Also, with digital downloading increasing, it’s the perfect match for a console.

  1. Leave the Controller Layout Alone. Fix the D-pad.

We’ve come to live with the current poor excuse for a directional pad that Microsoft gave to us, and we’re constantly reminded how bad it is every time we touch it. Even the redesigned D-pad found on the newest controllers doesn’t cut it. Simply because of their controller, Microsoft is losing the fighting game genre and other D-pad dominant games.

With a complete controller, one that leaves the current layout with a better D-pad, there’s no denying that it would be one of the most comfortable controllers ever made. There will be people who don’t like the weight compared to the Dual Shock controller, but the comfort and ease of use will win people’s hearts.

  1. Xbox Live Integration between PC and Console

Now is the time to swing things full circle. Microsoft is touting new ways to do everything with the coming of Windows 8 and other technologies. Along with that, integration of Xbox Live with console and PC users would be a huge draw.

Imagine the amount of people that could play together simply by combining the two platforms. That’s a lot of people. Microsoft would hold the largest online gaming user base. That’s a positive for Microsoft. For the players, more players is always a plus. No need to worry about controller issues either. The option of using a gamepad or PC controls is already offered on some games, so the thought of duking it out with a different controller format isn’t farfetched. It’s a win for everyone. Microsoft wouldn’t lose much money either because PC gamers want to play on their PC while console gamers want to play on their console. So, merge.

The Xbox 360 improved everything the original Xbox offered. The next Xbox has a lot to live up to. These changes would put the next Xbox in a league of its own. Some of it may be fantasy but if Microsoft can see the potential user base and not just the dollars, fantasy could become reality and they could see their greatest console run ever.